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DEQA-VET has identified eleven cornerstones for quality assurance in company-based training. This attempt was undertaken to represent the quality assurance mechanisms in a simplified form.
In Germany, quality assurance in company-based training takes place via a broad range of instruments at all three VET levels – the system level, the intermediate level and the company level. The following figure will give you an overview about this multi-level system.
The European Network for Quality Assurance EQAVET has handed over the Peer-Review Feedback Report to Germany. DEQA-VET had invited seven peers from five European countries to a peer review meeting. The topic was quality assurance in continuing vocational education and training.
On 25.01.2023, the Head of Department 4 of the BIBB, Prof. Dr. Michael Heister, participated as one of four experts in the expert discussion "Excellence Initiative Vocational Education and Training and Ensuring the Quality of Training" at the invitation of the German Bundestag.
Quality initiatives of intermediary institutions – the provision of the Chambers
The chambers play a central role in assuring the quality of in-company training in Germany. In recent years, a wide variety of innovative approaches have emerged across Germany that address the promotion, safeguarding and awarding of in-company training quality.
Compendium - Quality of In-Company Vocational Education and Training
The present compendium can support you in introducing, (further) developing and accompanying quality approaches to training in the company. It is intended primarily for people in charge of training in companies and for trainees. Educational staff at schools, inter-company educational establishments and institutions in the field of vocational training can also benefit from the approaches to improving quality provided by the compendium.
Quality assurance of company-based training in the dual system in Germany
This brochure contains a structured overview of central quality assurance mechanisms which underlie the company-based part of initial training in the dual system in Germany.It informs about the most important regulations, procedures and stakeholders which secure and pursue the further development of training quality at the company as a learning venue. Addressed are education and training experts from the field of academic research, policy making and practice in Germany and Europe.