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EQAVET Feedback Report Germany is available
The European Network for Quality Assurance EQAVET has handed over the Peer-Review Feedback Report to Germany. DEQA-VET had invited seven peers from five European countries to a peer review meeting. The topic was quality assurance in continuing vocational education and training.

DEQA-VET Study: Quality Initiatives of intermediary institutions
The DEQA-VET study is now also available in English. It is the first systematic inventory of initiatives of the IHK and HWK.

DEQA-VET topics in the Bundestag Committee
On 25.01.2023, the Head of Department 4 of the BIBB, Prof. Dr. Michael Heister, participated as one of four experts in the expert discussion "Excellence Initiative Vocational Education and Training and Ensuring the Quality of Training". The Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment of the German Bundestag had invited the participants.