Peer Review Germany 2022

Quality assurance in continuing vocational education and training — the German Reference Point for Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training, DEQA-VET for short, conducted a peer review on this topic for the first time this year.

How is the quality of continuing vocational education and training in Germany assured? Where are the potentials of the German system, where can its weaknesses be identified and how do other countries deal with current challenges such as digitalisation, the Green Transition and demographic change in this context?

These and other questions were addressed by seven experts from the European EQAVET network. Following two digital preparatory meetings, the seven peers from five countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary and Lithuania) travelled to BIBB for the main meeting on 14-15 November. The aim of the series of events was to enable the representatives of the participating countries to develop joint feedback on Germany's regulations in the area of quality assurance in continuing vocational education and training. In doing so, exemplary reference was made to laws, ordinances and procedures at the system level, such as the Distance Learning Protection Act, the regulated further training ordinances as well as requirements that apply within the framework of state funding for continuing vocational education and training (AZAV, AFBG).

Overview of the EQA-VET peer review process

The graphic on the left gives an insight into the entire peer review process and the next work steps of DEQA-VET.

Since the end of March, the final feedback report is available to the German reference point. On the right-hand site, you can find the original report.

DEQA-VET has drawn up an action plan (Step 9) based on the European feedback. For this purpose, initiatives and projects already underway in Germany were analysed, processed and placed by DEQA-VET in the context of the European feedback. The document can also be found on the right-hand side.